How To Combat Inflation With Dividend Growth And Protect Your Purchasing Power
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How To Combat Inflation With Dividend Growth And Protect Your Purchasing Power

As you know from my past few posts I’ve been reading Lowell Miller’s The Single Best Investment: Creating Wealth with Dividend Growth. One thing that surprised me a bit was his comments about inflation. The author pointed out that the 60 year average inflation rate in the United States is 4.1%. The book was written 8…

How I Use Value Line Reports to Quickly Assess A Dividend Growth Stock

How I Use Value Line Reports to Quickly Assess A Dividend Growth Stock

Finding the right dividend growth candidates to invest in can be very time consuming. There is so much information out there that it can become overwhelming. Today I’m going to talk about how I use Value Line’s Investment Survey reports to quickly see if a stock I’m interested in, warrants further research and potentially my…

Financial Strength: A Key Element in High Quality Dividend Growth Stocks

Financial Strength: A Key Element in High Quality Dividend Growth Stocks

“Financial strength is the key requirement of a high-quality stock. […] Remember, you’re buying a piece of a business here, one that you want to live with for a long, long time.”  (Miller, 2006)1 I recently read Lowell Miller’s The Single Best Investment: Creating Wealth with Dividend Growth. I would make this book required reading…

I’m Married!

I’m Married!

Well it is official, I’m married! For those of you that have planned a wedding before you’ll understand why I haven’t posted very much in the past few months… I’ve been busy.  With the honeymoon over I’m hoping to get back into a more regular posting regime. Creating Wealth with Dividend Growth by Lowell Miller,…